Mesothelioma clients count on Duffy LawWhen choosing a mesothelioma lawyer for you and your family, make sure that you hire a dedicated mesothelioma lawyerwith proven experience, knowledge, and results in mesothelioma litigation. Beware of lawyers who simply market or advertise for mesothelioma cases but who do not actually litigate the cases and handle the claims.

Mesothelioma is a deadly and incurable form of cancer that is caused by exposure to asbestos. Mesothelioma most commonly develops in the lining of the chest and lung called the pleura, but it can also develop in the lining around the abdomen and the heart. Although individuals who have had more asbestos exposure are at higher risk of developing mesothelioma, even brief exposures to asbestos can cause mesothelioma.

If you or a family member are diagnosed with mesothelioma, it is critically important to contact an experienced mesothelioma lawyer without delay to pursue your legal rights. Given that mesothelioma does not develop until many years after the asbestos exposure occurred, the work history information you and your family provide at the outset of your case is extremely valuable in our investigation of the potential sources of your asbestos exposure. If you have mesothelioma, you are likely entitled to financial compensation from those responsible for your asbestos exposure.

Experienced Mesothelioma Lawyer

Attorney Christopher P. Duffy, who founded Duffy Law LLC, has successfully handled hundreds of mesothelioma lawsuits and asbestos exposure claims on behalf of individuals and families throughout Greater Boston, Boston’s North Shore, and all of Massachusetts. With more than two decades of experience litigating mesothelioma cases, Attorney Duffy has a proven track record of exceptional results for countless families in Massachusetts.

The law firm you choose to represent you should have vast experience handling mesothelioma cases. You do not want to hire an attorney with little knowledge or no experience litigating mesothelioma and asbestos exposure claims. Instead, hire a highly qualified mesothelioma law firm with extensive experience in asbestos litigation. When searching for a mesothelioma lawyer to handle your case, be sure to inquire about previous cases and results obtained for other mesothelioma clients.


Identifying the companies, manufacturers, distributors, and other responsible parties for specific asbestos-containing products that caused your mesothelioma requires that your mesothelioma lawyer has unique knowledge of thousands of asbestos products that were manufactured, sold, and utilized by hundreds of companies at different times over a period of many decades. That unique product identification and exposure knowledge only comes from many years of handling mesothelioma cases and is necessary and invaluable to a successful mesothelioma case for you and your family.

Duffy Law LLC has that unique product identification and exposure knowledge to guide your mesothelioma case. No matter what your asbestos exposure involves, Attorney Duffy has the experience and knowledge to hold the companies accountable financially for causing your asbestos cancer.


For more than two decades, Attorney Duffy has vigorously represented hundreds of mesothelioma clients in asbestos products and premises liability litigation, many in Greater Boston, Boston’s North Shore, and other Massachusetts communities, and guided their lawsuits and claims to successful resolution. Attorney Duffy has obtained millions of dollars in settlements for his mesothelioma clients from manufacturers and suppliers of asbestos-containing products in a wide variety of exposure circumstances. Duffy Law LLC takes the time in every mesothelioma case to know you and your family personally, to learn your individual background and work history to identify every potential source of asbestos exposure, and to litigate your claims to maximize the financial recovery for you and your family.

The right lawyer makes all the difference.